Welcome! I know the functional nutrition space is filled with slick ads, sexy bios and faces, gimmicky and super-niched marketing galore. So, the fact that you’ve chosen to even consider working with me is no small thing! I am likely not the sexiest nutritionist you’ll scroll past, nor do I have the most profound personal story or the hottest website. What I do have is a fascination with the human body/spirit/soul/mind/experience and a strong midwestern work ethic. I also bring many skills and much hard-earned life experience to the table. You can read about it over here on the About Sara page.
In the last 20 years, I’ve identified as both “very sick” and “tentatively well” and many gradations on that spectrum. I have struggled to find quality, comprehensive support on limited funds as I’ve navigated this road of complex health challenges. I do this work because I believe it is our human right to have access to information, tools and skills that allow us to make informed decisions about our health care and our bodies. The world is increasingly toxic, and a variety of interlocking systems (capitalism, racism, classism, patriarchy etc.) create systemic pressures on our bodies, spirits and souls. Unresolved trauma is epidemic. The health care system is broken. Most of us are on information overload. Navigating the mine fields of the health and wellness “industry” is confusing at best and dangerous at worst.
As I’ve written previously in a social media post, I believe the ecosystem of our own health is inside us and even the scorched earth of our/the world’s worst offenses retains a memory of integrity and how to be whole. The ecosystem must be tended, nourished, observed and allowed to find its own deep wisdom in relationship to each of us. Let me be your partner in cultivating the inner ecosystem of your health. There is much work to be done in our personal spheres and in the collective and we can amplify our impact immensely by committing deeply to ourselves and our journey. I won’t promise perfect health or an “end” to your healing process, but I can promise to be an ally and collaborator as you navigate the road.
I position myself here transparently as an anti-capitalist. That means I’m not interested in making as much money as possible as quickly as I can off the backs of others. My approach is relational, reasonable and equitable. My intention is to provide as much value as I can to those who wish to engage my services or offerings. I’ve created a pricing structure that allows me to serve the largest number of people at varying tiers of engagement while still caring for my own body and future. I promise to work as hard for YOU as I do for myself, no matter where you choose to plant your roots in my garden. I really look forward to hearing from you!
The best way to reach out for now is via email at sara.rose.dealoia@hotmail.com or via text 740.818.7099
We will schedule a free 30 minute consult to assess fit and then go from there!