I’ve been slowly fomenting a clear, concise, aligned set of nutrition consulting offerings. You can check out the result of that here. These offerings include a number of technologies, tests and approaches that you may be unfamiliar with. I hope to have time to write more about each of these in the coming weeks, so this will be my placeholder until that time comes. If you want to learn about any of these, please visit the linked websites for more details.
Here goes:
Ampcoil: This is a very cool device that uses magnetic and sound frequencies to act on the body almost like a tuning fork. It uses voice print technology to “read” the vagus nerve and find opportunities specific to your healing journey. It was developed for and by people with chronic, debilitating Lyme disease. There are many great podcasts about this technology! My personal story is that after using it for a year my acupuncturist told me he could detect my pulses for the first time in the 1.5 years we were working together. My chronic pattern is a high functioning depletion pattern, so this was a big deal to have validated externally. I had not shared with him about the Ampcoil use. There is a fascinating area of study in physics called Cymatics which you can read about in this link. The Ampcoil is essentially using sound frequencies to act on body tissues similar to cymatics.
BioMat 7000: The BioMat is the newest addition to my collection. I’ve used one previously and enjoyed the gentle technology of this tool. I don’t feel this one as strongly as the Ampcoil, but it was supportive of an overall healing journey when I used it previously. This device works on the electrical systems of the body by producing negative ions which support overall health in the body. Also a lot of great podcasts about this technology out there.
Vibration Plate: I use a home version of this workout tool that was originally used to help astronauts maintain bone density in space (cool!). I use this a few times a week for supporting lymphatic drainage and overall flow in my body, which tends to be somewhat stagnant for what seems to be a variety of reasons. The regular sessions for this tool are 9 minutes long so they can be added before or after an hour long Ampcoil or BioMat session.
HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis): My most recent functional medicine studies have lead me to mineral testing through the hair. There are a few links here that talk about this test and the wide variety of indications for when to test and the wide variety of body functions that can be illuminated by running this test. Most of my offerings include an HTMA test kit because I believe it is the fastest, easiest and most affordable way to get a good look at body function. Minerals are the basic building blocks of the universe and we are part of that universe. What better place to start your healing journey? Here and Here are a few other articles.
These are some of the things I’m using in my practice now that may not be evident in other places on my website. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope to do some more writing about each in coming weeks and months!