
COMING SOON!  Remineralization Group Coaching Container.  Stay tuned.  Sign up for my email newsletter below to stay in the loop.  I promise to be light on the spam (anti-nutrient) and heavy on the liver pate (substance).  

Welcome to my site!  Thanks for visiting.   My mission is to support and empower activists, organizers, rabble-rousers, revolutionaries, earth lovers, life feeders, permies and anyone else driven to make the world a better place, manage stress, stave off the effects of burnout and practice radical self-care so they can get on with all the hard work ahead for all of us!   

I am especially interested in supporting integrated relationships between the belly brain, the heart brain and the head brain, as they are intricately connected and key to overall well-being and to living life fully.  DEEP, RESTFUL SLEEP is my portal in to working with each client as I know first hand how lack of sleep can hinder any process of healing.  We will start here and work outward.  I also believe that just as the health of the planet is dependent on diverse and complex relationships in the lowly soil, the health of our bodies is dependent on a balanced internal terrain that includes minerals, self care practices, strong social ties, alignment with external forces and integration between all the parts of our selves.

The work I do is informed by an understanding of how unresolved trauma, including inter-generational trauma and nervous system dysregulation, impact every aspect of our journey towards well-being.  I use mineral balancing, nutrition and lifestyle choices and frequency medicine for in-person clients as my primary tools to build/guide your unique health map.  I use trauma history and nervous system regulation as the architecture that guides our work together.  And I use our connection to nature and self as the rock solid foundation of my own personal journey and my ongoing work in the world. I will respect the boundaries you have around all of this and will ask questions to find those boundaries in our initial intake process.  I am happy to answer any questions you may have in your complimentary discovery call. 

If you have an interest in finding out more about whether you’re a good fit for any of my offerings please use the scheduling links to set up a complementary 30 minute discovery call.

sara.rose.dealoia@hotmail.com     OR     740.818.7099

I look forward to hearing from you!